It's time for one of those 'Where Have I Been?' style posts, for when someone has disappeared off the face of the planet! Because it feels like I've done just that...
Why Have I Been?
So, two important points to mention.
Firstly, Blogtober. It has drained me. Absolutely drained me. I pushed myself to the absolute limit to get a new post out for you all every single day (and very nearly managed it!). I think because I put so much energy into writing those posts, pins and of course sharing them on social media / interacting with you all, I've just exhausted myself! So yes, I took an unintentional break because I just couldn't face this wee space of mine for a while.
Secondly, Covid! As some of you are aware, I do work within the healthcare sector and have been working on the Covid+ wards throughout this year. I never really talk about it on my blog, but it's tough work. I've seen things that I'll never forget, I've held the hands of dying patients when visitors weren't allowed... It's been hard. But, this past week, I have been tested positive for Covid-19.
However, I am ok! I was actually asymptomatic to begin with (just a routine test at work), yet soon developed a cough and felt exhausted and my body was aching 24/7. I've been spending the last few days sleeping far more than I should've, unable to stay awake. Today is my 7th day since testing positive, and I'm finally starting to feel better.
Looking Forward
But anyway, I'm making an effort to get back into blogging. I'm hoping to set up a little 'Guest Post' opportunity where you can have a chance to guest post on my blog, if you fancy! I've been recently contacted by some authors, so I'm super excited to begin reading some more ARCs and sharing my thoughts with you all!
And let's not forget Christmas is coming! Yayy. It'll definitely feel different this year, but thankfully I know that I've got Christmas off this year (thank you boss!), so I'm going to make the most of it.
So apologies for not being around as of late, I'm finally feeling better and less burnt out. So c'mon then blogging, let's do this!

How are you? Let me know down in the comments below!
If there's any particular topic mental health or lifestyle related that you really want to hear about, feel free to let me know! I'd love to hear your thoughts!
Thank you all for your continuous support, it honestly means THE WORLD.
Take care and stay safe,

Hi chocoaddict,
I'm glad to hear you're doing ok! x
It’s been ok so far....
Hi riley.quin05,
It's lovely to meet you too riley! Thank you so much for your kind words and for supporting my blog - it means a lot! x
I’m glad you’re starting to feel better. I’m just starting to follow along with your blogs, it’s nice to meet you! 💕
Hi kellydiane94,
Aw, thank you so much for your kind words! <3 x