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My Blogtober Schedule | Blogtober Day One, 2020

Updated: Oct 31, 2020

Pinch, punch - it's the first of the month!

I'm so excited to announce (If the title didn't already give it away...) that I'm doing BLOGTOBER this year!

Now, you may have reason to doubt - I can't even stick to my two posts a week schedule! But hey, I'm willing to give this month-long... A MONTH long?? Wait, checks notes* a MONTH!? *scream* - challenge a go!


What Is Blogtober?

Blogtober is a month-long challenge that is popular amongst bloggers and vloggers (and anyone who wants to give it a try!) that is completed during October. The challenge is to create content for all 31 days of October. Typically, this would be Autumn/Fall/seasonal themed, so expect posts on my Autumnal TBR, the perfect cosy evenings, good ol' pumpkin-related treats, tags, an autumn bucket list, horrors, mysteries, dreamy hot chocs and so much more!

Strap yourselves in guys!

Blogtober 2020, Love and Literature

Of course I don't expect you to hop on over to my blog EVERY SINGLE DAY to check the latest posts... but if you do, then you receive an automatic promotion to my official BFF <3. So, to make it easier, I'll be sharing my posts daily on Twitter, Bloglovin' , Pinterest and if you sign up to my mailing list, then you'll receive a weekly email of the latest updates.

Anyway, enough babbling, here's the info you've been waiting for:

Blogtober Schedule

Here's what I have planned for the 31 days of October:

  1. My Blogtober Schedule (it's like déjà vu!)

  2. October Goals

  3. The Blogger Tag - Get To Know Me (one for you newbies)

  4. Autumn Activities To Do This Month

  5. Gothic Classics To Read This Halloween

  6. My October TBR

  7. Autumnal Self-Care Ideas

  8. My Favourite Things About Autumn

  9. The Hallotober Tag

  10. Pumpkin Carving Inspiration and Ideas

  11. Autumnal Instagram Prop Ideas

  12. Books With Autumnal Colours (Guest Post by KayCee)

  13. How To Create The Perfect Autumnal Evening

  14. The Blogtober Tag Game

  15. Magic Spells I Wish I Could Cast

  16. Cosy Places To Read

  17. The Ultimate Hot Chocolate

  18. My Favourite Autumnal Candles

  19. Ten Things To Do on a Rainy Day

  20. Tasty Halloween Treats

  21. Eight Things I'm Grateful For This Year

  22. How To Have a Safe Halloween

  23. Other Bloggers' Plans For Halloween

  24. How To Make a Spooky Basket For Halloween

  25. My Biggest Fears and Phobias

  26. The Devil and The Dark Water Book Review

One, two, miss a few... Oops sorry, I explain in my next post.


There we have it!

Guest Post - I have one guest post opportunity that's available so feel free to contact me if you're interested.

Bloggers Supporting Bloggers - Us bloggers need each other! If you're taking part in Blogtober, drop me a comment below and I'll tag you in a post to hopefully send some readers your way! Similarly, I'm hoping to start a little group chat soon so we can all chat and encourage one another!

Witch post (pun intended!) are you looking forward to? Are you taking part in Blogtober this year?

Let me know in the comments below!

Take care,

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Blogtober Day One: My Blogtober Schedule
Blogtober Day One: My Blogtober Schedule

8 commentaires

21 oct. 2020

Hi Scott,

Wow, it sounds like you're doing great! Hopefully you can keep it up! I'm also finding it pretty tough, but thankfully I'm still enjoying it. Thank you for your comment.


21 oct. 2020

I've made it through 21 days of straight blogging for the Blogtober Challenge 2020. I'm kind of looking forward to it because I didn't realize how time consuming it was going to be. More than likely I'm going to do it again next year. But for next year, I'm going to add an index of fellow bloggers who are doing Blogtober (right from the get go). Something along the lines of Bloggers taking the Blogtober 2021 challenge. Scott | PinterestArtwork


07 oct. 2020

Hi morningsonmacedonia,

It's tough work but I'm enjoying it, thank you!


07 oct. 2020

Blogtober sounds like such a great idea for your blog! I need to try this too. Thanks for sharing!


05 oct. 2020

Hi Amber,

Thank you so much! I hope you enjoy them x

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