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What I've Been Doing During Lockdown

Updated: Jul 11, 2020

There's no denying that lockdown has been difficult and mentally challenging. Fortunately, I am still working, so it hasn't personally affected me as much as it has for others. Yet, I do work in care and I am in contact with Covid19+ people every day so it's definitely been a challenge.

Due to work, I now isolate myself in my room at all times (except trips to the toilet obviously!) to protect my family. Because of this, I've surprisingly become more productive! I've found a lot more free time and can concentrate better on reading and spend time working on my blog. So here's a little snippet of what I've been up to during lockdown:

British Sign Language (BSL)

Early on in lockdown, I signed up to an online course to learn British Sign Language. This is something that I've always wanted to learn as it's a wonderful way to communicate with a D/deaf person, and hopefully I'll one day have the opportunity to use it! It's hard work, but I'm getting there. I can now introduce myself and ask/answer some questions so I'm super proud of what I've achieved so far.


This one is way out of my comfort zone - I'm just not an exercising sorta gal! I do enough running around at work during 13 hour shifts, but I thought I'd better give it a try now I have some free time on my hands. Ideally, I'd love to start running but I don't want to risk meeting the public along the way (due to above reasons), so I've taken to workouts instead. This is another one that I've really enjoyed doing - it's now part of my morning routine and hopefully will stay that way even after lockdown ends.


This one's more obvious - I'm a book blogger after all! I've been reading loads more at the minute, and ploughed through all 600+ pages of the latest Hunger Games book in just over a day! My TBR is looking a little less daunting now at least...

What've you been up to during lockdown?

Take care and stay safe,

Sophie x

Yoga Mats. This image belongs to Wix.
Yoga Mats. This image belongs to Wix.



Jun 01, 2020

Hi lifestyleseasonblog,

Thank you! Aw, I'd love to learn how to play the piano one day.

Thanks for your comment, Sophie x


Jun 01, 2020

Great post! During lockdown, I have been exercising, learning Spanish and playing the piano!

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