It's day nine! It's going well so far guys! ;)
Blogtober is actually much harder than I thought it would be! Earlier this month, I took part in The Blogger Tag so you guys could get to know me a little better. But it's about time for something a little more Halloween themed...
It was perfect timing when the lovely Claire at Our Favourite Jar tagged me in The Hallotober Tag! This is a fun tag created by The Life of a Glasgow Girl for bloggers to take part in, and perfect for those also taking part in Blogtober.
Rules: - Thank the person who tagged you and link to their post - Put the rules at the beginning or after introduction
- Answer the 13 questions
- Tag 13 people to do the tag - Delete Question 13, add a new number one question of your own
So, without further ado.. let's get started!
The Hallotober Tag
1. What’s your favourite thing about October?
I published a post on this yesterday, there's so many amazing things to choose from! Jumping in the crisp leaves, the fresh morning air, warm woolly jumpers, pumpkins, delicious drinks, the list goes on!
2. Are you a big celebrator of Halloween?
Despite taking part in Blogtober, erm.. no. I feel that Halloween celebrations are more impressive in America, as here in the UK, we don't really do all that much to celebrate. It's more for children to take part in trick and treat and school discos, but as adults - we don't really do anything! Typically, I just enjoy spending Halloween watching spooky films with my family.
3. What’s your favourite horror movie?
I'm such a scaredy-cat when it comes to horror movies! I'm definitely the one to hide behind the sofa and react to the jump scares! As to my favourite horror movie, I'll have to have a think about this one.. I remember being terrified of this one scene in Mirrors (2008) as a child, when a boy is looking in the mirror when suddenly his reflection begins moving of its own accord. I'm not sure it's my favourite, but it's definitely one that's stuck with me for a long time!
4. Would you rather a cosy night in watching horrors or a big night out in a costume?
Cosy night in. I'm such an introvert; dressing up and nights out aren't for me. A cosy night in watching spooky Halloween films (behind a cushion!) with my family, a cheeky takeaway and lighting some scented candles is the perfect evening for me!
5. Which has been your most favourite costume to date?
Here we go... I dressed up as Shrek during a school disco. Yes. Shrek! I had a plastic face and hands set that said Shrek quotes when you squeezed the finger, wore an old thick white fleece of my dad's (that was super long on me), shoved a pillow up my chest to look overweight and tied a brown belt around my outfit. Many of my teachers thought I was a boy underneath the costume - but hey, that's me beating gender stereotypes/expectations since age seven! I wish I had a picture to show you all!
6. Bobbing for apples or pin the hat on the witch?
Bobbing for apples is so much fun - and even better to watch! It's always such a laugh and my family often get super competitive with it!
7. How do you celebrate Halloween?
I typically have a quiet evening in with my family, watching spooky Halloween movies with plenty of food! No one really knows what to expect this year, but usually, we'd be happy to support any trick-or-treaters if they come knocking!
8. What’s your least favourite horror? My dad really likes old black and white horror films, but they're really not my thing! I guess The Woman In Black (2012) as although scary, I could only see Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Potter, and therefore couldn't really get into the plot. (Just stupefy her, Harry!).
9. Do you have a favourite trick or treating memory?
My favourite memory is actually the first time I went trick or treating! I went with my sister, my mum and grandma and it was so much fun! Unfortunately, we didn't get many sweets but thankfully our grandma gave us plenty to make up for it!
10. What’s your favourite thing about Halloween?
I love the colours and decorations! It's so lovely to walk through my village and look at the decorations in everyone's gardens! There's always one family who puts on an amazing display - a huge inflatable ghost and flashing orange pumpkins! I also love decorating my own house, placing cute lil' pumpkins around the rooms and decorating the stairs with fairy lights.
11. Scary costume or Silly costume?
Silly. See aforementioned Shrek! ;P
12. What’s your favourite Halloween candy?
Anything chocolate-y! I definitely prefer chocolate over sweets, so give me all the choc! I looove toffee apples too but I haven't had one is SO long.
13. Would you visit a haunted house at night?
No. No. No. No. NO! No way. No.

Nominations Problems and Projects Olive Juice
1. What’s your favourite thing about October?
2. Are you a big celebrator of Halloween?
3. What’s your favourite horror movie?
4. Would you rather a cosy night in watching horrors or a big night out in a costume?
5. Which has been your most favourite costume to date?
6. Bobbing for apples or pin the hat on the witch?
7. How do you celebrate Halloween?
8. What’s your least favourite horror?
9. Do you have a favourite trick or treating memory?
10. What’s your favourite thing about Halloween?
11. Scary costume or Silly costume?
12. What’s your favourite Halloween candy?
13. What's the best pumpkin carving you've done or seen?
I hope you enjoyed this tag!
The eagle-eyed amongst you would notice that I've still got more people to nominate! If you're interested in taking part, let me know and I'll add you ^. I tried to choose people that I knew were taking part in Blogtober or who seemed to express an interest in doing The Hallotober Tag.
If you'd like to read more of my Blogtober content, click here.
Take care and stay safe,

Hi Claire,
Hehe, aw thank you! Ooo I don't know - I might have a look and see if I can find a picture somewhere. And just in case it wasn't completely clear, that's a definite 'No!' to the haunted house ;P x
Oh Sophie, I love these answers! Although i think I won't be alone in wanting Shrek pictures! You could wear it to the haunted house, I'm reading between the lines and think you'd actually love to go ;-)