How about a little Christmas tag, to get into the festive spirit! Thank you to Ellie for tagging me in this, make sure you check out her answers too!
The Christmas Tag Rules
Put on your favourite Christmas playlist to listen to while answering!
Have a Christmas drink and/or snack while writing
Thank the blogger who tagged you and link to their site
Answer the 10 original questions
Answer the questions set by whoever tagged you
Ask 2 questions of your own
Tag 6 bloggers to take part
The Original Questions
When do your decorations go up?
I always aim to get them up either on the 1st December or the weekend that's closest.
Who is the Scrooge in your family or friendship group?
Definitely my dad! He needs lots of poking during the Christmas season to stop being such a Scrooge.
If money were no object, how and where would you spend Christmas?
I'd love to get into the Christmas spirit and stay in a cute wooden cabin with a roaring fire. But only for a night or two, because I'm not keen on cold weather!
What Christmas film do you HAVE to watch every festive season?
Elf! Without a doubt.
Who do you find hardest to buy presents for?
My dad. I always find him the hardest person to buy for, he just never gives me any clues on what he'd like!
Would you rather buy lots of little presents for a hamper, or buy one big/ main present?
Can I choose both? Traditionally in my family, we receive one main present then a few little random bits on the side.
What did you leave out for Santa when you were a child?
A mince pie for Santa and a carrot for Rudolph - I used to have guinea pigs and unbeknownst to me, my parents let them chew on the carrots and then left the chewed carrot-ty mess all over the floor and said the "reindeers" had eaten it.
Where did you spend last Christmas?
I was working last Christmas, so that's not a very exciting answer! But we all brought in lots of food for a large buffet, so that was fun!
Which Christmas song makes you cringe?
Erm, I honestly can't think of any - I love all Christmas songs!
If you could be a character in a holiday movie, who would you be and why?
I think I'd like to be Elf for a day - just to see the world as he does must be fun!
Ellie's questions:
It’s Christmas day – do you dress up or stay in pyjamas?
Pyjamas! Until it's time for dinner, then I'd put on my Christmas jumper.
Pigs in blankets – yay or nay?
Usually, yay - they're actually my favourite part of Christmas dinner. But, I've turned veggie this year so I'll have to turn them down.
My Questions:
Does your family have a Christmas tradition of their own? If so, what is it?
What's your favourite part of Christmas Day?
I nominate:
Not So Modern Girl Wool Of The King Della Loves Nutella Enviroline Blog Chapters of May Alice In Sheffield
I hope you enjoyed reading this Christmas tag! Comment your links below so I can read your answers!
Take care and stay safe,

Hi clarissa,
I did, thank you! Aw, I'm sorry to hear that you're laid off x
I hope you had a good Christmas Sophie! I usually work Christmas as well, not this year though since I'm still laid off. I agree that a few nights in a cozy cabin by the fire would be an amazing place to spend Christmas. It was 80 degrees here, I don't usually miss snowy
and cold Christmas' but I did this year!
Hi acaponeconnection,
Hehe, yeah - Santa loves mince pies right?! :P I'm glad you enjoyed it, thanks for your comment x
This was so fun to read. Mince pie?!? That's interesting. I love the Elf movie too. It's the best! Thanks for sharing.
Hi wildrosehealer,
Hehe, my family have one or two traditions each year. Thank you for reading and commenting x