It's nearing mid-October and Halloween is getting closer! It's time for another Halloween themed tag to get us in the mood!
The lovely Kathy at Baby Boomer Super Saver tagged me in The Blogtober Tag Game, so thank you Kathy!
- Thank the blogger who tagged you and link to their post.
- Put the rules after an introduction, then answer the 13 questions.
- Tag 13 more bloggers to participate in the game.
- Use these same Halloween questions, or create new ones of your own.
The Blogtober Tag Game
1. What’s your favourite thing about October or Halloween?
There's so many to choose from, I love October! In fact, I wrote a post about it here. I particularly love the autumnal walks and the leaves changing colour.
2. How much money do you spend on Halloween?
Not too much actually! Maybe a maximum of £10 to £15 on Halloween decorations such as string fairy lights or lil' cute pumpkin décor. But many items are used year after year so fortunately, I don't spend too much.
3. What do you think the average person spends on Halloween candy & does it match what you spend?
Oo, I'm not sure! Maybe around £5? Usually, I'd buy some Halloween sweets/candy for trick and treaters but who knows what'll happen this year!
4. Does social media influence how much you decorate for Halloween, causing you to spend more?
Yes! Definitely. I can spend hours browsing Instagram and always see something I'd like. Some people's houses and décor looks incredible! Also, I think as a blogger, there's that added pressure to create fab images and content so there's that too!
5. Do you buy or create your own Halloween costumes, and what was your favourite costume so far? Hehe, I mentioned my favourite homemade Shrek costume here! And that's my best one! As an adult, I don't wear Halloween costumes now (I prefer to stay in instead like the social butterfly I am!) but I love the idea of creating your own.
6. Share a trick you have played on someone at Halloween? You know what, I can honestly say I've never played a trick on someone at Halloween.
7. Do you have a favourite Halloween treat? Toffee apples. Though I desperately want to try a famous pumpkin spiced latte because they sound delish! I'm definitely a chocolate over sweets kinda gal, so trick-and-trick candy/sweets aren't usually my cup of tea.
8. What is something you can do with a pumpkin once Halloween is over? The pumpkins in the UK aren't really suitable for cooking, so unfortunately, once finished with it just ends up in the bin! I'm sure they'd be fab for compost though!
9. Do you consider pumpkin a fruit or a vegetable?
This one stumped me. I thought it was a vegetable but apparently it's a fruit?! (Yes, I turned to good ol' Google). Mind blown.
10. What is the scariest food you’ve ever eaten? Okayy, so. Not particularly scary as such, but when I went to Spain as a child, I was ordered a king prawn paella. The king prawn was there, innocently looking up with it's eyes and yucckk - nope, I didn't eat it but I'll never forget it. I handed that plate back to my parents!
11. Do you have a favourite bubbling Halloween drink? I'm not really into the bubbles, a good cup of tea will do me! ;P
12. People usually spend money on Halloween, but have you ever made money related to this holiday?
Nope, unfortunately.
13. Have you ever read Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, or another frightening book? Funny you should say that!, I reviewed Frankenstein last year. I'm a huge fan of the classics, I suggested some classics to read this Halloween and also added Daphne du Maurier's 'Rebecca' to my October TBR.

I Nominate...
1. What’s your favourite thing about October or Halloween?
2. How much money do you spend on Halloween?
3. What do you think the average person spends on Halloween candy & does it match what you spend?
4. Does social media influence how much you decorate for Halloween, causing you to spend more?
5. Do you buy or create your own Halloween costumes, and what was your favourite costume so far?
6. Share a trick you have played on someone at Halloween?
7. Do you have a favourite Halloween treat?
8. What is something you can do with a pumpkin once Halloween is over?
9. Do you consider pumpkin a fruit or a vegetable?
10. What is the scariest food you’ve ever eaten?
11. Do you have a favourite bubbling Halloween drink?
12. People usually spend money on Halloween, but have you ever made money related to this holiday?
13. Have you ever read Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, or another frightening book?
If you'd like to take part, let me know and I'll add you to the list of nominations! I hope you enjoyed this tag!
Take care and stay safe,
