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The Blogger Tag | Blogtober Day Three, 2020

Updated: Oct 4, 2020

The crisp October mornings are here, and the warm woolly jumpers are OUT! Oh, how I LOVE Autumn!

Yesterday, I posted my October Goals that I hope to achieve this month. Today, is a good ol' 'Get To Know Me' post! The last time I wrote a Get to Know Me was back in 2018, so it's about time for an update.

I saw this Blogger Tag on Lauren's blog at Bournemouth Girl and wanted to give it a go myself. I hope you enjoy it!


The Blogger Tag

Do you have any pets, if so what are they and what are they called?

I had many pets growing up, including hamsters, gerbils, rabbits, a dog and and plenty of guinea pigs! But not all at once! I don't currently have any pets but I'd love a dog, ideally a cockapoo as they're sooo cute!

What is your favourite social media for blogging?

I recently fell in love with Pinterest, as it has definitely helped increase my monthly views and blog engagement. I also find Twitter a wonderful way of connecting with other bloggers as there's so many supportive and inspirational people on there who have helped me on many occasions.

How tall are you?

I'm 5ft! Yep, I'm small... ;P

Do you have a hidden talent, if so what?

Hmm... I don't think so! I used to play the flute though I've not practiced in many years now.

What is your biggest blog-related pet peeve? 

The follow-unfollow thing. 100%. Why guys - whyy?!

What is your biggest non-blog related pet peeve?

Unkind people. You never know what is going on in someone's mind, so just be kind to each other.

What is your favourite way to spend your free time when you are alone? 

Walking, blogging, reading and writing.

What is your favourite junk food?

Pizza... with pineapple. Don't hate me. Or a good veggie burger with coleslaw.

If you could only drink one beverage (besides water) for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Tea. I practically live off the stuff anyway ;P

What's your favourite movie? There's too many to choose from... I'll have to say The Greatest Showman and Hacksaw Ridge. I've recently watched Enola Holmes which I also enjoyed.

What were your favourite lessons in school?

English literature and psychology. I really enjoyed studying classic literature at school, and hope to read some more classics later this autumn!

What is one of your favourite high street shops?

For books, I like to shop local at independent shops, Waterstones or Amazon. For clothing, I like Next, New Look and H&M.

Are you in education or work?

I've just finished an apprenticeship and now work in healthcare at my local hospital.

What are your favourite fiction and non-fiction books?

Ahh, how can you ask that question?! If I really had to decide, I'd say my favourite fiction books that I've read recently are The Ten Thousand Doors of January and The Starless Sea. Generally though, I'm a huge fan of the classics and enjoy pretty much anything by Austen or Wilde. I don't really read much non-fiction...

Where is one place you would like to visit?

Hmm.. I love the island life so anywhere that's super isolated and quiet. A friend recently visited the Isles of Scilly and it looks beautiful!

Where do you like to write your blog posts?

Either on the sofa with a brew in hand (not literally, one-handed typing can be tricky!) or wrapped up warm in bed.


Comment down below if you're taking part in this tag! Have a lovely day everyone! If you'd like to read more of my Blogtober content, click here.

Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with or endorsed by any companies or brands mentioned in this blog post.

Take care and stay safe,

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The Blogger Tag


Oct 03, 2020

Hi neverforget,

Thank you for reading my post!


Oct 03, 2020

nice blogpost,feel free to keep me updated,my twitter handle is crnimentol

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