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Rapid Fire Book Tag

Updated: Jul 25, 2019

Hi everyone!

Today's post is a bit different - it's a book tag! The 'Rapid Fire Book Tag' originated from TheBibliophileGirl yet I discovered it from TheReadingNook, enjoy!

  1. E-book or physical book? Physical. Although I am reading a lot more e-books recently, I much prefer having a physical book to hold.

  2. Paperback, or hardback? Paperback, they’re so much easier to read! Yet hardbacks do look better on a bookshelf.

  3. Online or in-store book shopping? Online. Annoyingly, there aren’t any good bookshops nearby so it has to be online for me. (Although I’d absolutely love it if there were!)

  4. Trilogies or series? I don’t mind either, it depends on the plot.

  5. Heroes or villains? Heroes o’ course!

  6. A book that you want everyone to read? Hmm, this one is so hard! I absolutely love the Harry Potter series, so if you haven’t read them I’d highly recommend. Other than that, I’d say give classics a go – I know, I know not many people like them but they’re honestly really good – particularly Victorian literature ;)

  7. Recommend an underrated author? Hm, can’t think of any :o

  8. The last book you finished? 'Those People’ by Louise Candlish (Cheeky review link here ;) )

  9. Weirdest thing you’ve used as a bookmark? Hmm, I once used a pencil. It didn’t really work but it was the only thing I had to hand!

  10. Used books – yes or no? Yes! I don’t mind a couple of dog-eared pages, all books are welcome in my house :D

  11. Top three favourite genres? Young adult, historical fiction and classics.

  12. Borrow or buy? Preferably, buy. Only because I’m really forgetful and I’ll most likely forget to give books back!

  13. Character or plot? Plot. Even if the characters are awful, the plot often keeps me going.

  14. Long or short books? Generally, long. Ideally around 400-500 pages, I recently tried to read Dickens’ ‘Dombey and Son’ at 800 pages and it was just far too much.

  15. Name the first three books you think of? ‘Those People’ by Louise Candlish (because I recently finished it), ‘Little Women’ by Louisa May Alcott and ‘The Carer’ by Deborah Moggach (my next read).

  16. Books that made you laugh or cry? Cry. If a book can make me cry then it will be very special indeed.

  17. Our world or fictional? Fictional. Easy.

  18. Audiobooks, yes or no? Nah, I’ve never been into audiobooks – I just can’t connect with them, I prefer something physical to hold and read.

  19. Do you ever judge a book by its cover? Admittedly… yes.

  20. Book to movie or book to TV? Book to TV.

  21. A movie or TV show that you preferred to the book? Hmm, I can’t think of any!

  22. Series or standalones? Depends on the book, some work brilliantly as a standalone, but I can think of a few that left me wanting more and would work well in a series.

Hope you enjoyed, and I tag you to take part!

Take care, Sophie x

Rapid Fire Book Tag Graphic
Rapid Fire Book Tag


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