Book: Those People
Author: Louise Candlish Genre: Mystery, Thriller Pages: 400 (Kindle) Published: June 2019 My Rating: 4/5 Stars
I hope you’ve all had a lovely week! Today’s book review is Louise Candlish’s novel ‘Those People’.
Could you hate your neighbour enough to plot to kill him?
Until Darren Booth moves in at number 1, Lowland Way, the neighbourhood is a suburban paradise. But soon after his arrival, disputes over issues like loud music and parking rights escalate all too quickly to public rows and threats of violence.
Then, early one Saturday, a horrific crime shocks the street. As the police go house-to-house, the residents close ranks and everyone’s story is the same: Booth did it.
But there’s a problem. The police don't agree with them.
(From Goodreads - Link)
I’ve just finished Louise Candlish’s novel ‘Those People’ and I'm glad to say that I enjoyed it. This was my first novel of Candlish’s that I’ve read – I can’t believe it’s been nearly a year since ‘Our House’ was released in the UK, and that it’s still patiently waiting on my TBR pile! This book pushed ahead of the others as otherwise who knows how long it would be waiting its turn!
‘Those People’ as mentioned in the synopsis above, is based around the neighbours on Lowland Way and how their community spirit is shattered by two unwelcome people, Jodie and Darren. A community prided on ‘Play Out Sunday’ where children may roam the streets, playing football without fear of oncoming traffic, is horrified to find one man breaking the rules. With loud music playing every night, rude behaviour and noisy renovations at all hours of the day, it’s easy to understand why the neighbours of Lowland Way have had enough… but how far will they go to put a stop to it?
I thought the book was structured particularly well, with each chapter being from a different character’s perspective, and (at least for the beginning of the novel), counting down week by week until there’s a dramatic turn. Full of twists and shocking revelations, it becomes a wonderful novel of ‘Who did it?’ and questioning how far each of the characters will go before Darren Booth’s behaviour becomes a little too much to bear.
I enjoyed the characterisation, each one offering something new to the storyline. Even Darren was portrayed as a realistic and plausible character, and I’m definitely counting my blessings that I don’t have a ‘Darren Booth’ on my street! I loved the way Candlish increased the tension throughout, the slow yet dramatic increase in annoyance and desperation from all of the neighbours... making you wonder who will be the first to snap.
A small critique however, is that I didn’t like the ending. I feel there should have been another couple of pages, it wasn’t quite a cliff-hanger, but I don’t feel it was a complete resolve either. Also, there is lots of very strong language and as a trigger warning for this book, there is some mention of alcohol and drug misuse.
Overall, I did enjoy ‘Those People’ and think I will finally start reading my long overdue copy of ‘Our House’. I would recommend this book and rate it a 4 out of 5 stars, as I enjoyed the storyline although there was a little too much strong language for me and I feel it could have ended better. Have you read ‘Those People’? What did you think of it?
Take care,
Sophie x
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