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Pumpkin Carving Ideas | Blogtober Day Ten, 2020

Looking for some pumpkin carving ideas this Halloween? I've got you covered!

Pumpkin Carving Ideas

Horror - Ghost pumpkin - Robot pumpkin - Witch pumpkin

- Scarecrow pumpkin

- Vampire pumpkin

- Monster pumpkin

- Alien pumpkin

- Zombie pumpkin

Random - A jigsaw puzzle pumpkin

- A happy pumpkin - Your favourite animal (e.g. an owl)

- Skeleton pumpkin (e.g. skeleton hand)

- Fantasy pumpkin, e.g. vines - Patterned pumpkin (e.g. leaves)

- Mythical creature (e.g. unicorns)

Challenging - Your pet in pumpkin form! - A TV/Film character - Your favourite book character - Greek mythology pumpkin

- Create a scene / landscape

- Celebrity carving

Bloggers Supporting Bloggers

I mentioned at the beginning of Blogtober that I'd love to support more bloggers, especially during Blogtober because it's tough! So I turned to Twitter to ask some fellow bloggers to share their pumpkin creations:

- Karalee at Tales of Belle made this Peppa Pig pumpkin with her daughter.

- Anna at In The Playroom made this Bing pumpkin (from the preschool animation)

- Lauren at Readers Enjoy Authors' Dreams shared these pumpkins and shared the interesting history of pumpkin carving

Pumpkin Carving Ideas Pin, Pumpkins background, text at front centre
Pumpkin Carving Ideas Pin

Hopefully these ideas inspired you to carve a pumpkin of your own! Feel free to add any more ideas in the comments below!

If you'd like to read more of my Blogtober content, click here.

Take care and stay safe,


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