Hey everyone,
There's no doubt that Pinterest is highly recommended in the blogging community. Whether you're an established blogger or a newbie just starting out, Pinterest can be HUGE for views and subscribers. I've been focussing on my Pinterest for the last four weeks, and I'm already starting to see big changes in my blog views!
Despite having a Pinterest account for a few months, it's only this past month that I've really started to dip my toes into it properly. I've always loved Pinterest as it's different from other social media; it's not focused on engagement and followers and you can just enjoy it for what it is. There's endless pins to scroll through which are perfect for imagining your dream home, holiday or outfit - I could spend hours on there! (And have!). It's super inspirational and has helped me on so many occasions, for both blogging content ideas and also personally too when re-designing my kitchen! There's some absolute beauts on there!

While I've always enjoyed Pinterest, I never really knew how to use it. If I liked the look of a pin or the content that it linked to, I saved it to a board. But... how could I use Pinterest for blog engagement? After researching this and being inspired by other bloggers such as Mariam at Boss Babe Chronicles and KayleighZara , I was eager to give it a go for myself.
For the past 3-4 weeks, I've started to re-brand my Pinterest profile and be more creative with my pin design. The results have already paid off, jumping from practically nothing to 50k monthly views this month alone! Throughout August, I pinned without particularly focusing on time zones or paying any attention to the content that I was posting. Instead, I was just re-branding my image on there and categorising my pins. Despite this, my audience has very quickly grown!
Coming into September, I'm excited to really get going with it! I aim to pin more frequently and really engage with my audience. So far, it's mostly been trial and error but I've already had a few pins really take off!
This is what I've been doing to set up my Pinterest profile:
Change to a Business Account
One of the first things that I did was change my Pinterest account from personal to business. Why? Because this gives you access to analytics to see your pins engagement and link clicks over time, provides you with the opportunity to advertise and also allows you to 'Claim your website' to gain additional backlinks to your site. Pretty good, huh?
Pin Design
I use Canva to design my Pins, I've only ever heard good things about it and it's super easy to use! I currently use the free version which has got plenty of features and tools to try. To create my pins, I just edited and played with a few designs on there to match my blog's theme. After a couple of hours, I've made myself a few templates that I can use again and again, as it only takes a couple of minutes to alter the images and text ready for a new pin!
Pinterest Group Boards
I've joined a couple of group boards which have been incredibly helpful for sharing my content and gaining links back to my blog. Group boards are great ways to share your content with a lot of people, and share their content in return - creating engagement and supporting each other, win win!
The ones I'm currently using are KayleighZara's Blog Post Share Board, and BloggersTribe Blog Post Share as both have been amazing for engagement!
Just yesterday, I started a Group Board of my own and anyone is welcome to add their content! It's just starting out but it'd be fab to see some of you there - click here to join.
Keywords are super important, both for blogging and SEO - and Pinterest too! When setting up your profile, it's recommended that your Profile and Boards are full of keywords so people can easily find you and your content. Similarly, make sure all of your pins include plenty of keywords both in the title and the description. The easiest way to find popular keywords for Pinterest, is to type in a keyword in the search bar, press enter and then more keywords appear along the top.. which leads to more keywords... which lead to more... you get the idea!
I've heard many positive things about bloggers scheduling their pins to reach peak times for audience engagement. This is something that I'm hoping to work on this month. I've heard many positive things about Tailwind which offers a free trial, yet some bloggers prefer Later. I'll be trying them later this month, so we'll see how that goes!
August had been an amazing month for Pinterest and I'm looking forward to my new Pinterest journey. If you're interested in how my Pinterest growth is going, make sure to subscribe to my NEW mailing list! To join, click here to go to my homepage and sign up from there. Thank you, you're the best - but don't tell the others!
Have you tried Pinterest for blog engagement? What is working for you? If you have any tips to share, feel free to comment down below!
I'd love it if you could follow my Pinterest Account, and join me on my journey! Comment down below when you do and I'll follow you back! <3
Take care,

Hi queeen.xox,
Wow, 80k is amazing, congratulations! Yep, it's definitely a tough one to crack! Thank you for your comment x
I'd say Pinterest is hard to understand haha. I think many bloggers have been doing their best to follow basic tips but some just don't have the luck. My views on Pinterest recently spiked from 15k to 80k because a few of my pins went viral. If that didn't happen, I'm sure I'm still somewhere 15k to 20k or less haha. Still great tips! These really are a must x
Hi Amna,
Ah, I still need to try Tailwind! Aw no, it can definitely be hard work - don't push yourself if you're feeling burnt out <3 . Hope it works out for you when you're feeling more up to it x
I've been using Tailwind which has been pretty good for me, but I recently stopped scheduling pins just because I got burnt out creating pins and writing descriptions etc. I've only slowed down for a week and already my numbers are dropping! Your post has inspired me to try again :) - Amna (askamna.com)
Hi thathappyreader,
Aw, thank you - and thanks for joining my board! x