Today, I thought I'd share with you some other bloggers' plans for this Halloween!
Hopefully they'll inspire you to think of new creative ways to spend Halloween this year, as I'm sure many of our plans have been altered due to the Coronavirus. Myself included!
Other Bloggers Plans For Halloween
- Lifestyle, self-care and mental health blogger Jordanne at The Life Of A Glasgow Girl shared that she's setting up a sweet hunt with her little one and decorating her house to create a 'haunted house' theme, which sounds incredible! I'd love to see the finished results!
- Self-proclaimed SEO Wizard blogger Billie at Billie Geena is having a cosy night in, carving pumpkins and watching horror films. Billie, this is my idea of a perfect night (except maybe the horror films, I'm such a scaredy-cat!).
- Lifestyle and Indie Games blogger Jupiter at Life With Jupiter and Dann is having a household party with decorations, spooky games and pumpkin painting.
- Travel, lifestyle and motherhood blogger Shelley at Wander & Luxe has bought her daughter an Elsa dress (excellent choice Shelley!) and they're going to walk around and look at the local decorations as well as make a Halloween sweet trail. Aw Shelley, this is so sweet, I hope you and your daughter have an amazing time!
- Parenting, lifestyle and eco-blogger Emma at Emma Reed is having a party at home with her children, with plenty of party food, music and games. Aw, I hope you have lots of fun Emma!
- Mental health blogger Unwanted Life is planning on watching some horror movies this year. They also shared this very informative post on managing mental health at Halloween and how to manage triggers.
- Travel, food, home and lifestyle blogger Victoria at Victoria's Vintage shared this Instagram Reel which looks incredible! I love your autumnal décor Victoria, it's amazing!
- Lifestyle blogger Sarah at Sarah Lou Writes is planning on snacking on sweets and watching child-friendly scary movies.
- Food, lifestyle and beauty blogger Lucy at McWhat has shared this post about Celebrating Halloween in 2020, which has some great ideas! Thanks for sharing, Lucy!
- Lifestyle and travel blogger Lauren at Wool Of The King is having a bottomless brunch! Lauren, this is GOALS!
Thank you so much to all of the lovely bloggers who shared their plans and posts! I hope that this post has given you some inspiration to create your own Halloween plans.
What are your plans for Halloween? Comment down below, I'd love to hear them!
Take care and stay safe,
