With 2019 coming to a close, I thought I would reflect on this year and all that I've managed to achieve over the last twelve months. Using my previous New Years Resolutions as a reference, here are my thoughts on how I've worked towards them this year:
1. Acceptance - I challenged myself to try and accept who I am as a result of my illness and to accept that while I may not experience life in the same way as other people, it's okay. And, in all honesty, I think I am getting closer to that and I'm enjoying life more than I did at the beginning of the year.
2. To Read More - While I haven't read as much as those big book bloggers out there, I'm still proud of what I've achieved and I've even explored different genres this year.
3. To Challenge Myself - Tick! I've recently started getting back into driving lessons, which is huge for me!
4. To Bullet Journal - This one started well, but after a few months in, I lost my creative streak and haven't continued with it for quite a while now.
5. To get to know you - I'm quite happy with this one. I've had some brilliant conversations with you, had a few comments on my blog and have more views than last year - thank you! <3
6. Allow you to get to know me - I hope some of you have gotten to know me a little better over the past year. I've done a couple of 'Tag' and 'Get To Know Me' posts, if you're interested ;) And you're always welcome to comment, chat or interact with me here or on social media - I don't bite!
7. To say yes! - This one has also been quite successful, I've started driving lessons and gained more skills through work.
8. To be consistent - I really wanted to increase my consistency with my weekly posts, and it's certainly gone much better than last year - however there could still be some improvement. For some reason, I always seem to find it difficult to write new content around Christmas.
9. To forgive - I wanted to forgive myself when things don't go to plan or if I don't reach my goals, and this has gone quite well also.
10. To continue - For this one, I aimed to continue with a task once a started it. Primarily, this blog. And I think it's been fair to say that it's been a good year, while not perfect and there's always room for improvement, I am happy with how my blogging progress have been in the last twelve months.
How did your New Years Resolutions go? Let me know in the comments below (Sign up is quick and easy!).
Take care, Sophie x
