Disclaimer: I have no affiliations with the websites and/or links mentioned and provided below.
Hello everyone *waves*,
I’m going to ask a simple question to get your minds thinking: How are you?
I don’t mean the quick go-to answer of ‘I’m fine’, I mean the gritty deep-down response. What is happening in your life at the minute? What's worrying you? What excites you? Answer below in the comments, see if anyone can relate and provide support.
This week, it’s ‘Mental Health Awareness Week’ from today (Monday 13th) to Sunday 19th, and to do my part and raise awareness, I’m going to be posting every single day this week. Gulp! So, what is it? Since 2001, the ‘Mental Health Foundation’ has raised awareness of all sorts of mental health–related issues. This year, their chosen theme is ‘Body Image – How we think and feel about our bodies’. More information found here.
Body image is such an important theme. I know so many people who have struggled with or felt uncomfortable regarding their body and how they look, and this week, we’re raising awareness of this and how your body shouldn’t be something to be ashamed of. Throughout the course of this week, I’ll be discussing body image in the media, building a positive mindset around body image, the beauty of ageing and more – I hope you enjoy and you’re more than welcome to comment and get involved. The ‘Mental Health Foundation’ provides plenty of resources and opportunities to get involved on their website which you may be interested in, (Disclaimer - I’m not affiliated with the ‘Mental Health Foundation’ in any way).
Take care, Sophie x
Sources: https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/
Disclaimer - As always, please bear in mind that I am not a mental health professional or any other type of professional, this is a hobby for me and is for informational purposes only and shouldn’t be seen as any kind of advice. I am not liable for any consequences as a result of this information and if readers rely on any of the information on my blog, it is at their own risk. I cannot confirm that all information is correct, accurate or reliable. The information is true to the best of my knowledge, yet there may be omissions, errors or mistakes. This information isn’t intended as a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis or treatment. If you have, or believe to have, a mental illness, please contact a mental health professional. I have no affiliations with the websites and/or links mentioned and provided above.
