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Body Image, Language and Self-Esteem

Updated: Jul 12, 2020

Happy Friday! Today, for #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek , I'll be discussing 'Language and Body Image'.

Personally, I think, that from a young age, we’re in the mindset of comparing ourselves to others, including against our family, friends, etc. Particularly so (at least in my case!) with siblings – I’ve certainly had many experiences of my personal flaws being highlighted (most often in a negative light!) from my sibling!

As we age and develop through school and education, some people may experience further nit-picking from bullies, classmates, or even friends! These constant comments may lead to a low self-esteem and possible mental health issues in the long term, which is why thinking of our language use in relation to body image is so important.

We need to be careful what we say to one another, and instead to lift each other up when we’re feeling down about ourselves or the way we look. We need to be more complimentary towards each other, highlighting the positives, our uniqueness and individuality, and to not turn it into a negative. To encourage each other, provide support and reassurance so we can all be comfortable in our own skin.

Take care, Sophie x

Disclaimer - As always, please bear in mind that I am not a mental health professional or any other type of professional, this is a hobby for me and is for informational purposes only and shouldn’t be seen as any kind of advice. I am not liable for any consequences as a result of this information and if readers rely on any of the information on my blog, it is at their own risk. I cannot confirm that all information is correct, accurate or reliable. The information is true to the best of my knowledge, yet there may be omissions, errors or mistakes. This information isn’t intended as a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis or treatment. If you have, or believe to have, a mental illness, please contact a mental health professional.

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