Can you believe it's just over a week until Halloween? This year has gone so quickly.
But, Halloween will definitely be different this year. Today's post is how you can make Halloween safe while social distancing, and for it still to be an enjoyable time!
How To Have a Safe Halloween
I reached out to the wonderful bloggers of Twitter to discover how they're spending Halloween (which will all be revealed in tomorrow's post!). It's clear that many of us have had to change our plans this year due to Coronavirus and social distancing.
While it's unlikely that they'll be any trick-or-treating this year, it doesn't mean that Halloween can't be fun. Many areas have created their own socially-distant twist for Halloween, my village included! I live in a small village in Yorkshire, and it's been decided that we'll be doing 'Chase the Pumpkin'. So, instead of trick-or-treating, families will decorate their windows with autumnal decorations, spooky crafts, etc and then hide a pumpkin or two within the decorations. Then, whenever children walk past houses on Halloween, if they 'Spot the Pumpkin' then they receive a sweet from their parents. I think this is a super cute idea and I'll definitely take part in decorating my house!
Of course, there's plenty of different ways people could trick-or-treat safely. For example, children could surprise people with their costumes yet remain socially distant at all times, and then their parents could reward them with sweets on the person's behalf. Or post pictures of your children's Halloween outfits on social media (such as a Facebook Group Page) for people to judge the winner.
However, if you don't feel that trick-or-treating is safe in your area, there's lots to do inside with your household too! I wrote a post previously about having a cosy night in, which could be filled with activities for the kids too. Or you could decorate your garden with pumpkin string lights and Halloween decorations and spend the evening outside.
You could light sparklers, bake some Halloween treats, watch spooky movies, the list is endless! However you choose to spend Halloween, I hope you have a wonderful time and remember to stay safe!
What are your plans for Halloween? Is your area doing anything special or different this year?
Take care and stay safe,
