Hey everyone,
The last time I posted a mental-health related post was back in June :o Time flies when you’re absorbed in a good book!
I started this blog about a year and ½ ago now and I’m so glad that I did. Since starting this blog, my mental health has definitely improved. The intention of my blog was (from the mental health perspective) to spread awareness of mental illness and also to give myself a space to vent a little. Little did I know the benefits that were to come.
Through blogging and posting regularly, I’ve become more productive as I now have something to aim for and achieve each week. My blog has led me to meeting other bloggers on social media, reading other people’s posts and generally engaging with the blogging community. It has made me feel less isolated and also gives me the chance to connect with people when I need to (i.e. if I’m struggling). As my social media following grows, I feel a lot of pride for my blog and it really does feel like I’m accomplishing something. I’ve received some wonderful comments, and I thank you all for that. I'm grateful to every single person who reads my posts or connects with me in any way, whether that’s through liking, commenting or sharing.
I’m still adjusting to blogging; I believe it an ongoing learning experience – there’ll always be something new to learn. You may have noticed that I now have my own domain name at ‘Love and Literature’ which is very exciting news! I thank you all for your continuous support of my blog, I really do appreciate it.
Take care, Sophie x
