It's time to tidy away the remains of Winter and get ready for Spring. I love the turn into Spring, finally the mornings are becoming lighter, the sun is starting to shine and the flowers are starting to make their reappearance! And just in time too - I've just about had enough of the constant rain and dreary weather!
So out comes the clothing, time to put away those winter boots and wooly jumpers and time to bring out the cute dresses and skirts. I love the cute vintage floral dresses that arrive this time of year, dungarees and pinafores. I'd wear them everyday if the weather allowed it.
Does anyone else have the desire to have a huge clear out this time of year? Throw out the old and bring in the new, decorate the house with plants and flowers, cute Easter baskets and pretty pastels. One of my favourite things to do is to scroll the internet gazing at homeware and décor and thinking of ways to add little touches to my home. Even better would actually being able to buy some of it!
It's also the time of the year where I feel the need to do some baking. I love to experiment with flavours and try new recipes, and all the chocolate available doesn't help... fruity cheescakes, lemon drizzle cake and of course the classic chocolate nests are my go-to for baking for Spring.
Okay, now I'm excited! I'm a very seasonal-orientated person, if that's a thing. I like to move with the seasons as it helps to give me something to look forward to. Does anyone else feel the same? What are your plans for the spring?
P.S. If you're into the 'Spring Aesthetic' like me, feel free to check out my Pinterest Board here!
Take care,
Sophie x
