This week, with the end of the 'January Blues', I thought I'd produce a list of some self-care activities which you can try when you're feeling upset or need to relax for a while:
1. Read
2. Have a shower/bath
3. Mix up your daily routine
4. Draw
5. Paint
6. Learn a new skill
7. Try a new hobby
8. Watch the sunrise
9. Watch the sunset
10. Journal
11. Clear out and sell old items
12. Declutter your wardrobe
13. Learn a language
14. Take time off from social media
15. Tidy up
16. Allow yourself time to become organised
17. Be mindful
18. Meditate
19. Watch a film
20. Set yourself a weekly goal
21. Colour
22. Have a massage
23. Exercise
24. Do some yoga
25. Deep breathing
26. Go for a run
27. Take a nap
28. Cook a delicious meal
29. Bake some cookies
30. Practice a skincare routine
31. Light some candles
32. Go for a walk
33. Read a blog
34. Watch some funny videos
35. Catch up on your favourite television shows
36. Chat with a friend
37. Organise a day out
38. Cuddle a pet
39. Sign up for volunteering
40. Do some gardening
41. Listen to music
42. Hang up some fairy lights
43. Go for a swim
44. Wrap yourself up in blankets with a cup of tea
45. Read some quotes
46. Buy something new
47. Sit outside in nature
48. Have a good cry
49. Join a support group
50. Lie down and relax
I hope you find some of these useful, and feel free to add your own in the comments below!
Take care,
Sophie x

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