Happy Monday everyone! I hope you had a spooktacular Halloween! With Halloween over, and Christmas not quite here, what do you write about during November? Well, hopefully this list will inspire you:
1. What I did For Halloween
2. Best Halloween Costumes I've Seen
3. November Goals
4. Bonfire Night Experience
5. Bonfire Night Baking
6. A 'How To' Guide
7. What to do with Pumpkin Leftovers
8. Host a Guest post
9. Book Review (of course! ;) )
10. Winter Clothes Haul
11. Weekly Meal Plan
12. Secret Santa Gift Ideas
13. Share your Bullet Journal Spread
14. Create a Christmas-y Mood Board
15. Making the Ultimate Hot Choc!
16. A Day in the Life
17. Share your accomplishments from this year
18. Christmas Films that get you into the Festive Spirit!
19. What am I grateful for this year?
20. Share your photos from Autumn/Fall
21. Activities for a Rainy Day
22. Life Update
23. Share your Social Media Tips
24. My Plans for Black Friday
25. List your favourite bloggers
26. Travel Plans for the New Year
27. Best Blogging Tips
28. What I've Learnt from Blogging
29. What's on my TBR?
30. Skincare Routine
Hopefully this gave you a little inspiration for some blog post ideas, feel free to share your own below!
Take care,
Sophie x

A very handy post! Thanks for sharing! I love your blog layout <3
Kenna - Lifeoflilyblog.com