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New Year's Resolutions 2021

New year, new goals!

With 2020 finally over, it's time to set some New Year's Resolutions for 2021! I think we can all agree that 2020 has been quite the year, but it's important to stay positive in these dark times. Despite the stress of Covid, keeping ourselves busy during lockdown and doing our best to protect our loved ones, there's always something to be grateful for in 2020.

If you're looking for some new year resolutions ideas, this list may help you. Some are personal to me, but they may inspire you in some way nonetheless.


New Year Resolutions 2021

To Move Out

This is number one for me. I'm in my early 20s yet I'm definitely feeling the urge to spread my wings and move out. This has been one of my goals for a couple of years, it's more just the financial difficulties holding me back - but I'm getting there!

To Improve My Blog My blog has become such a huge part of my life now, I work full-time and blog on the side so I've not had a 'day off' in years. But I wouldn't change it for the world! I love my little space on the internet and all of the wonderful people that I've met within the blogging community. In 2021, I hope my blog continues to grow, to restart my mailing list (scroll down on my homepage) and to increase my monthly views. I've also in the process of setting up guest post opportunities, and working more on my SEO and DA.

Be More Active on Social Media

My Pinterest account has unfortunately been badly hit after the latest algorithm changes, so I'm desperate to do all I can to save it this year. I also started an Instagram account in 2020, and I've already got some exciting content planned for the new year!

To Be More Organised and Productive I've recently bought a Bullet Journal which I hope will inspire some productivity and help me to organise my blog content ideas more effectively. I've spent hours building a social media and content planner for the new year, which has already inspired me to work even harder than before! Expect some Bujo-related content and journal prompts coming soon!

To Appreciate the Little Moments If 2020 has taught us anything, it's the importance of family and friends. I'm definitely more appreciative and thankful for any interactions with family or friends outside my household now (even if it's a quick video chat). I hope to appreciate the little moments more and to stop taking life (and people) for granted.

There's only a few this year because who knows where 2021 will take us! Covid is staying around for a while yet, and with another lockdown just beginning, let's try to make the most of it, eh?

What are your new year's resolutions for 2021?

Take care and stay safe,


New Year's Fireworks 2021. Image from Unsplash.
New Year's Fireworks




OMG good luck with moving out! It always feels like such a life achievement!

Katie |



Great resolutions, I hope you achieve them all!

Anika |



These are all great goals. I want to really work on my blog this year. My main goal this year is to stop giving attention to irrelevant things. I wish you well in achieving your goals x!



Hi aspoonfulofvanilla,

Aw, thank you! x



These are all great resolutions. I am sure you will achieve them all in 2021.

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