After recently changing my blog's name, naturally there's a few questions that I should answer:
Where have I been?
From October to December, I have only been posting fairly frequently. I could sit here and say I was away on holiday or just busy with work. But I won't.
This is a mental health blog, and you're aware of my struggles with mental illness. And part of it is the awful thoughts that can enter your head, the negativity, the lack of self-belief and this all built up to me taking some time off from blogging. I took a break and took some time off to protect my mental health, I'd love to say 'This won't happen again', but I can't make any promises. I do enjoy blogging, yet I do have a full-time job with very long hours, and blogging is something that I fit in when I can. All the stress can build up, and I may need to take breaks or just have a week off now and again. However, for the moment, I'm feeling good so all should be okay for a while :) .
Why have I changed my blog name?
'Sophie's Blog' has changed to 'Love and Literature', simply because it's more unique and feels to now have more of a 'proper' name. I won't say 'professional', because I'm definitely not trying to make a business from my blog, it's simply a place to hopefully provide mental health tips to others and review some literature that I may (or in some cases, may not) have enjoyed.
I should probably explain the meaning behind the new name too. 'Literature' is self-explanatory, meaning to read and in my case, to review, novels, drama and poetry. While 'Love', is a little more subjective, I chose 'Love' partly because it fits well with Literature as a blog name ( ;) ) yet partly because it can have many meanings and suggest different directions and paths for my blog to take - e.g. Love of literature, Self-love (i.e good mental health), love of life, etc.
What does this mean in terms of the Privacy Policy and T&Cs?
My Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions haven't altered, the only thing that has is every time I used 'Sophie's Blog' is now replaced with the new name 'Love and Literature'. These can be found on the footer on both the 'Home' and 'Contact' pages on the desktop version of my blog, and on the footer only on the 'Contact' page on the mobile version. Links to these can also be found here:
I hope that this cleared up some questions, feel free to send in any more. And as always, you're more than welcome to get in touch to discuss any queries in relation to the privacy policy and T&Cs, if you'd like to write a review of your own, or guest post to discuss your thoughts on mental health. You can contact me through Twitter at @Love_Lit_Blog or email at .
Take care, Sophie x